Public Servant Announcement

Reverend Marc Boston

Greetings my friends,

Allow me to reintroduce myself as Reverend Marc Boston.  I was ordained as an Interfaith/Inter-spiritual minister on June 11, 2022. This means that my fellow graduates and I studied many of the various world religions and concepts of inter-spirituality with the intention of assisting others to identify their own spiritual beliefs through the process of spiritual self-discovery.

An interfaith minister is someone with a general knowledge and a healthy respect for all religions, or at least it’s a person who can appreciate that there is more than one way to honor the Divine, and is willing to assist a fellow seeker in finding his or her own unique path to their higher calling.

Interfaith ministers are defenders of tolerance and spiritual diversity.  My chosen spiritual system is Kemetic sacred science which includes its system of virtue cultivation and right action known as Ma’at.

Followers of Ma’at are aware that there is One Absolute Universal Mind or Consciousness, and a way to unite with this Higher Mind is through the practice of self-inquire, mediation, and selfless service.  Through this practice one attempts to quell the endless desires of the lower self (the ego) and to begin to identify with the purity of the inner Higher Self.  I experience this in my daily life by mentally working to discern between what’s real and what isn’t, pursuing non-attachment toward worldly things, and embodying the 7 virtues of Ma’at: truth, justice, balance, order, harmony, reciprocity, and righteousness – in addition to cultivating wisdom and courage.  This is all done in an effort t to realize the Divine Oneness inherent in all beings.

So after two amazing years of doing my own deep spiritual work, I have attained some mental clarity and peace of mind, and I know Mom would be proud.  Now the great work begins.



Newly ordained Rev’s Naeemah, Marc, Jane, & our Dean, Rev. Mark

My sisters Amie and Andrea

Newly ordained Rev’s Marcus, Saleme, and Marc

For more information on Interfaith Ministry, visit One Spirit Interfaith Seminary.

Public Servant Announcement //





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