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Dad is Acting Strange – Launch Team Ebook Download

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The wait is finally over, Dad is Acting Strange is ready to order.  Let the party begin!

I want to thank you personally for supporinting our mission to create fun, inspirational, and educational diverse books for readers of all ages.  As an added bouncing, if you’d like to be a member of our book launch team, please head over to Amazon and share a quick review after you’ve read you

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Reviews Matter

Just as you know that representation matters in the books we read, so do reviews. These days, consumers have become increasingly reliant upon product reviews. Heck, many people often decide to make a purchase based upon the reviews they’ve read – I’m one of them.So, to get this entertaining book off to a good start, I’m asking for your help!  Dad is Acting Strange touches on the ever-evolving changes that take place within the relationships between parents and maturing children.The natural but often awkward transition from childhood to the teenage years is something that most parents are all too familiar with, and something many youngsters can relate to.  That’s why you and I need to help parents and children get their hands on a copy of this book.

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