Dad is Acting Strange
Dad is Acting Strange
Dad is Acting Strange is about the ever-evolving changes that take place within the relationships between parents and maturing children, in this case, the bond between a father and his daughter who is approaching her “strange” pre-teen and teenage years.
Dad is Acting Strange is about the ever-evolving changes that take place within the relationships between parents and maturing children, in this case, the bond between a father and his daughter who is approaching her "strange" pre-teen and teenage years.
This book is influenced by the real-life relationship moments I've experienced with my own daughter, Marley. The story is one of perspective, in which the main character feels as if "Dad" is changing. But in reality, she is the one who's experiencing the natural but often awkward transition from childhood to the teenage years - which is something that most parents are all too familiar with.
The one constant in life is change. This doesn't mean that we always feel like embracing the adjustments, even though it's a good idea not to avoid them either. If we learn to cope with the various changes that we'll inevitably experience, we may find that our relationships become happier and healthier.
Price: $16.99
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