For awhile now I’ve been searching for a word that describes my style of eating, that consists mostly of fruits and vegetables and very little meat.
Hallelujah, I finally found the term!
I am what is known as, drum-roll please…a Flexitarian.
According to, the Flexitarian Diet is based on the following principles:
- Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
- Focus on protein from plants instead of animals.
- Be flexible and incorporate meat and animal products from time to time.
- Eat the least processed, most natural form of foods.
- Limit added sugar and sweets.
This describes how I choose to eat to a T! I prefer to eat mostly vegetables at home, but if I’m at your house, and all you have is baked chicken – I plan to eat it.
Deciding what to eat (and not to eat) can be hard, and you can learn why in this interesting article on I would contend that discovering what works best for you is key. Play around with it until you find the right formula.
Check out our latest At Home With The Bostons: What’s On The Menu? – Lentil Soup
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I love this video Marc.
Thank you Jerrihlyn, I truly appreciate your comment!